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Great Britain 1 oz Platinum Britannia BU (Year Varies)


Britannia represents resilience and strength, and its symbolism resonates around the globe. The Great Britain Platinum Britannia is one of the only Platinum Bullion coins in the world today, making it the legitimate Platinum Bullion Coin program backed by the British Government.

The Royal Mint of England, one of the oldest minting institutions in the world, introduced the coins in 1997 and has forged a position of strength among numismatists and investors in Europe.

Today, the Great Britain 1 oz Platinum Britannia – BU (Year Varies) is available online from


1 oz Platinum Bar – Brand Varies (Carded)


Much more scarce than Gold and Silver, Platinum enjoys an increasing demand in the manufacturing industry. In addition, this white metal plays a crucial role in the world’s precious metals markets. With its excellent combination of investment value, utility, and rarity, Platinum should be a part of every collector and investor’s portfolio.

Collecting Platinum Bars is a secure way to enhance one’s assets, and Hollywood Gold & Silver Exchange is an excellent place to start.